Krafitto Inter Preschool Competition - Colouring
Let's give our little Picassos a stage to showcase their creativity!. Enrol your child for inter preschool colouring competition where more than 1000 students from different preschool will take part to showcase their art, imagination and creativity.
Date of competition
25 Nov 2024, 10:00 am – 29 Nov 2024, 5:00 pm
Location is TBD.
About the competition
Let's give our little Picassos a stage to showcase their creativity!.Â
Enrol your child for inter preschool colouring competition where more than 10000 students from different preschool will take part to showcase their art, imagination and creativity. This competition is all about giving freedom to kids for choosing a colour of their choice to colour their sky, let it pink, let it green lets try to capture a moment of their life when they come forward and enjoy their life's first competition.
Please Note - The competition date will be selected by the preschools. The parents are requested to kindly coordinate with their child's preschool to determine the competition date. Updated details will be available in the parents' brochure.
Details about the competition
- Student registration
- Competition date
- Last date of registration
- Entry fee
- Material
- Winner criteria
- Take aways
Student registration - Parents need to fill the registration form to enrol their child for the Krafitto Inter Preschool Competition - Colouring on the below link with following details (Student name, city, class, and preschool name where the child studies).
Competition dates - The competition will be held between 11th Feburary 2024 to 25th February 2024. The location of the competition will be child's preschool premise.
Entry fee - 50/- Entry fee will be charged for the competition which parents need to pay during the registration on the rgistration page itself.
Material - Every participant for the competition will get colouring sheet and a box of crayoons for the competition.
Winner criteria - There will be three stages where the winners will be selected.
- Stage 1 - At intra preschool level  - Every participating preschool will choose a winner for every class i-e 1 winner from playgroup, 1 from nursery, 1 from junior and 1 from senior class. These selected winners will be awared a winner certificate and a medal
- Stage 2 - At intra city preschool level - Colouring sheets of these selected winners will be collected by Krafitto and will be send to our competition judges where they will choose 1 winner in every class who will be winner of the city. These selected winners will be awared a winner certificate and a trophy.
- Stage 3 - At inter city preschool level - Out of the city winners for respective cities our judges will choose 1 winner for each class who will be winner for each category i-e each class across cities. These 4 winners will be awared a winner certificate, a trophy and a cash prize of 5000/- each
Take Aways - Every participating student will get a certificate of participation
KIC - Colouring Competition
This is a digital receipt of your child's registration for Krafitto Inter Preschool Competition - Colouring. You can share this with your child's preschool as a proof of registration.
₹50.00Sale ended